Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kittens and College

        About seven weeks ago, my little rescued alley cat Mia created four fully functioning tiny versions of herself.  Yes, yes, always spay your pets, I know.  I was planning to very soon, but Mia got out for one last night on the town, shacked up with some careless Tom and the rest, as they say, is kittens.  
       As adorable as these little fluffs are, this is not a blog about them.  These kittens got me thinking about someone else that is too cute for words.  Me.  
        It dawned on me today that in nine weeks I am graduating from college and joining the big kid table.  This is it.  No more hiding behind the "I'm in college"excuse, I have to be a full fledged human being.  At least until I tuck my tail between my legs and run back for graduate school, but that is a long way away.  Nine weeks however, seems terrifyingly close.

          This brings me back to my kittens.  At nine weeks old, they will be ready and off to move in with new families.  In nine weeks they will have gone from slimy little free-loaders to fluffy scampering quasi-cats who've left me and Mia to our empty nest syndrome.
             This is an inspiration (the kind you get in a movie that makes you cry so you only watch once, but you still appreciate what you've learned).  My goal is to spend the next nine weeks becoming a better version of myself.  If these kittens can be fluffier and more playful, surely I can be healthier and wealthier.  I have the power of rhyme on my side.

The Plan:

What adults do:
1) Make Money (generally generated in a career related fashion)
2) Take Care of Themselves (this is a broad one that goes from eating healthy and cooking to keeping the apartment tidy and remembering to floss)
3) Probably a bunch of other stuff, but I'm still young, I just want to get down the basics not the boring nitty gritty.

What I want to do:
-Write and/or perform
    -Music and/or comedy

Can these things be combined?  I am going to try.

The Obstacles:
1) I am crazy busy
2) Really that's it, I'm just busy, but here are the main sources of business:
    -Powering through my last semester of classes
    -Teaching 16 one on one guitar students a week
    -Interning for a management company... reading screenplays and shooting down the dreams of people in the exact same position that I am.
    -A passion for pleasure reading, improv classes, and social drinking

So here I go, chronicling the final countdown to my degree and my quest to make it significant. +100 grown-up points for rambling on about it.
+1,000 grown-up points for giving myself another excuse to write everyday (that is after all what I want to do)

Subtotal: 1,100 GUP (Grown Up Points)


  1. Now this is a fun topic. If you figure out how to grow up, i would appreciate any advice you can give me. PS learn from me. Photo's are appreciated in blogs and are a fast and easy way to look like you actually blogged, when you actually didn't. XOXO Keep going Becky and then I think you need a vacation in the tropics!

    1. Yes please! That is a great plan, it would give me something to look forward to at the end of the tunnel. :-)

  2. You can do it, Becky! I look forward to following your blog to see how you're doing, have some fun, and encourage you along the way. If there's anything I can do to help you turn your plan into a reality, just say the word!
